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I might be too young to write something about this, (I'm still 17 anyway :p) but, well?

Cinta... yaelah, apaansi cinta, gue juga ga begitu ngerti. Makna dari kata cinta itu sendiri gue juga ga bisa menjelaskan. Yah, seenggaknya gue bisa mendeskripsikan.. haha. Kalo dilirik lagu, katanya jatuh cinta tuh berjuta rasanya. Well, I agreed, because that’s what I feel for this past several months..

Jatuh cinta berjuta rasanya, bukan berarti orang yang lagi fallin' in love cuma ngerasain happy. Justru pas lo lagi jatuh cinta ini, lo ngerasain perasaan-perasaan yang lainnya, perasaan sedih juga termasuk lho. Well, as a couple, you will also get into fights, but that's what makes you to be a better person. Those fights will make you wiser. 

“Love changes people.”

Yep! I couldn't agree more with that statement. Jatuh cinta emang bisa ngerubah lo, sikap lo, bahkan mindset lo. Untuk orang yang udah taken, I know you will said yes too, right? :p

Lo yang dulunya cuman peduli sama diri lo sendiri, cuman mikirin apa yang terbaik buat lo, sekarang jadi mikir juga apa yang terbaik buat orang yang lo sayang. Lo juga ga cuman mikirin kebahagiaan lo sendiri, because once you started to care about someone, their happiness affects you too. even maybe theirs is more important than yours. You want them to be happy, dan otomatis ―entah ini egois atau engga― you want yourself as the reason why they're happy.

Saat ibadah, lo ga cuman berdoa untuk keluarga dan diri lo sendiri, lo juga berdoa untuk mereka, untuk orang yang lo sayang, supaya juga diberikan yang terbaik buat mereka. Saat lo in a relationship, lo bukan cuman jatuh cinta, tapi lo juga belajar. Lo belajar buat lebih menghargai orang, lo belajar buat lebih mengerti orang, dan lain-lain. Disitu, didalam hubungan itu, lo belajar jadi orang yang lebih dewasa. Sedikit demi sedikit, lo jadi lebih tau, lo jadi lebih mengenal. Ga cuman lebih tau tentang seseorang yang lo sayang itu, tapi lo juga jadi lebih tau gimana caranya ngambil tindakan, berdasarkan situasi dan kondisi sih~

Saat lo lagi jatuh cinta, hal-hal negatif yang orang bilang tentang pasangan lo pun juga ga bakal ngaruh banyak, bcs you love him/her along with their imperfections. In every relationships, you will also get disappointments, but from this disappointment you also learn how to not expect things too high from someone. Terus juga, siapa sih yang ga berangan-angan punya pacar yang too-sweet-to-be-true like in the movies? Hahaha, but once you're in relationship, lo bakal jadi lebih jarang berangan-angan, because you'll learn how to accept someone just the way he/she is.
You know you're in love when you feel “butterflies” in your tummy everytime you meet him/her. You begin to constantly want to meet them. You're in love with all the weird or crazy things that they do just to make you smile. You're in love with the way he holds your hand and make you feel secure. You're in love with the way he plays with your hair; or even, you know you're in love when you're trying to find thousand of reasons so you could use his jacket, not just because you're cold or whatsoever, but just because you like his smell...

Hahahahahahaha. Even love could make us do something silly. We start dreaming of making plans in the future with him/her, such as going to Paris together (which is we know it may be impossible but we're still secretly wishing someday it would be true anyway).

Orang bilang, banyak remaja yang pacaran tuh cintanya cuman cinta-cintaan, cinta monyet, yah apalah. intinya gak serius, ga mandang kedepan. Well, let them think like that. Kita masih remaja. Kita bukannya ga serius untuk berkomitmen, tapi kita masih belajar untuk serius dalam berkomitmen. Kita juga ga cuman fokus ke masalah lovelife, kan?

We don't know what's future might bring, but if you think that (s)he is the right person for you, and you think that your relationship is worth, then keep fighting for it. For both of you. Tapi, kalo emang cuman niat buat main-main apalagi cuman karena “gak mau single”, you better leave them now, or you might just hurt them in the end.



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