"a year ago, I would've never pictured my life the way it is now".

....yeah, that quote is quite describe my feeling right now.

In 2012, I met so much amazing people who always bring a smile on my face, those people who give me a laughter everyday, those people who become a source of my motivation to get through day by day, those people who bring sadness and disappointments to my life which makes me a stronger & wiser person. AND, well, I met some assholes too :P

Whoa, kalo gue flashback, banyak banget perubahan-perubahan yang terjadi ditahun ini. Gila, 2012 kayaknya tahun dimana semua emosi 'main' di kehidupan gue. Di tahun ini, gue nemu orang-orang dan hal-hal yang bikin gue jadi lebih "ngenal hidup".

This year had taught me a lot.

Perubahan drastis juga terjadi ditahun ini. Dimana hal-hal yang bikin gue bahagia diawal-awal tahun, malah jadi source of my sadness and hurt diakhir-akhir tahun. Well, life is too absurd to understand, someone said.

Hmm, di 2013, kehidupan gue bakal gimana ya? xx


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