Happy Anniversary 19 months DVJI :D
Thank you for all the times you've spent with me.
Thank you for listening to my stories.
Thank you for all the suggestions and advice from you guys so I can through all my problems.
Thank you for accepting me as I am.
Thank you for the stupid things we do together.
Thank you for always there when I needed you.
Thank you for all the hugs to make me feel better when I cried.
Thank you for doing silly things to make me smile.
Thank you for want to sang together with me.
Thank you for teaching me what is called "best friend".
Thank you for all the fights we've been through that only brought us even closer.
Thank you for being a lot like me. Thank you for cheering me up in such a funny way. Thank you for understand me.
Thank you for listening to my stories.
Thank you for all the suggestions and advice from you guys so I can through all my problems.
Thank you for accepting me as I am.
Thank you for the stupid things we do together.
Thank you for always there when I needed you.
Thank you for all the hugs to make me feel better when I cried.
Thank you for doing silly things to make me smile.
Thank you for want to sang together with me.
Thank you for teaching me what is called "best friend".
Thank you for all the fights we've been through that only brought us even closer.
Thank you for being a lot like me. Thank you for cheering me up in such a funny way. Thank you for understand me.
Thank you for giving me a lot of memories to remember.
Sorry for all the mistakes I made.
Sorry for the times when I'm being selfish.
for all the things I shouldn’t have said, for the things I shouldn’t have done.
Sorry for the times when I'm not around when you need me.
Sorry for only being able to say "be patient" instead of a good advice..
Sorry for the missed hugs and cheering when you need it most.
By the way, harusnya ini gue post tanggal 3, tapi gue baru inget sekarang haha. Ya sebenernya sih dvji udah lebih dr 19 bulan, tapi karena kita masing2 lupa tgl berapa DVJI itu lahir (ea), kita tetapin jadi tanggal 3 Desember 2008. Kenapa kita tetapin tanggal segitu? Jawabannya karena.......
*drum sound* *jeng jeng*
......karena itu adalah tanggal dimana kita ngebuat friendsternya dvji. Hahaha maklum aja ya waktu itu masih jaman2nya fs, facebook sm twitter mah belom terkenal. Tapi fsnya udah ga keurus lagi, yaaaaa udah pada lupa password sm emailnya. Bahkan fs masing2 pun kita pada lupa passwordnya hihi.
Sayang ya, bentar lagi kita bakal pisah sekolah, bakal jarang banget ketemu, bakal jarang ngumpul, atau bahkan mungkin diantara kita bakal ada yg sombong nantinya. Mungkin. Tapi mudah mudahan enggak ya. Mudah2an kita masih bisa sering ketemu, masih bisa sering bareng-bareng nantinya, dan yang terutama......kita gak saling lupa&still keep in touch. Aduh, kadang jadi pengen nangis deh ya kalo liat foto2 pas kita bareng bareng dan inget2 masa lalu. Hahaha.
"The past is gone, you will never have it back, but memories will always remain in your heart. Because the best thing about memories is that IT NEVER CHANGES even the person in it does."

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